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Thursday, February 28, 2008

By John Geek, Technology Correpondent

Despite the gentleman on the right of our picture stoically holding his own, other executives at the Nokia mobile phone company are pictured congratulating themselves on hearing the news that Snopper has finally succeeded in sending about three text messages.

Some years ago, Snopper inherited a clapped out Nokia from grandaughter Sarah, who continually moves on to more advanced models. I have reported in the past about the struggles Snopper has had in making and receiving phone calls on his mobile, so it is a real pleasure to report that, at long last, the art of txting is drawing ever closer to joining his technological repertoire.

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(Snopper`s dodgy phone)

A few weeks ago, Snopper managed to send a brief text to his friend and confidante, the redoubtable Itchen Sitter. After many hours of painstaking effort and incurring considerable thumb ache, the message read:-

"Dr. Itchn Sttr. Hope u get this. Snppr. xx"

From those early, hesitant beginnings, he managed to send his third text yesterday to check on arrangements for a meeting on Saturday. This text was much more erudite and called for a reply from said Itchen Sitter, which was only secured by means of a late night phone call. However, one problem has emerged overnight. As well as sending the message to its intended recipient, it seems Snopper has also inadvertendly sent it to ace vet, Dave Cocker, at the Newnham Court Veterinary Surgery. It`s clear that Snopper has a lot to learn.

My rection to all this was simply to ROFLMFAO, if you get my drift.

It remains to be seen what, if any, response is received from the vet`s office.....but it`s highly unlikely that Dave Cocker will appear at 1.30pm at M. Hulot`s Patisserie on Southampton Town Quay on Saturday. But you never know - as time goes by, stranger things will surely happen in the madcap, unpredictability of Snopper`s newfound texting world.

1 comment:

Wurzel said...