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Tuesday, December 11, 2007


As you see, one of the things I have listed as being not so keen on is the European Union. Maybe it`s my island race mentality, maybe I`m just a little Englander, but I can`t help being proud of my country, its history and traditions and I make no apology for being suspicious of large, bureaucratic, remote, monolithic organisations that take large chunks of my money in taxes, seemingly give little in return and seem more and more to exist for their own sake in a cocooned, self-serving environment. There, that`s off my chest.

The kind of thing that cements my cynical view of the European Union has just come to light. Tomorrow (Thursday) a no doubt lavish `ceremony` will take place in some Euro city to mark the approval of the Lisbon Treaty - you know, the one that isn`t the European Constitution, honest, because the Euro Constitution was rejected by voters in France and the Netherlands, wasn`t it? But it has been revealed that Germany have tried to slip in references to the EU flag, anthem, etc. into the Lisbon Treaty.
(Angela Merkel`s at it again)

These last minute moves, in the form of a `declaration` would see the EU flag, motto, anthem, the euro and Europe Day (May 9th apparently) "continue to be symbols of common membership of citizens to the European Union," with the intention being that this declaration would be `annexed` to the Treaty. Sneaky, ain`t it? But why am I not surprised?

To their credit, Britain, France and Ireland, along with six other countries, have refused to sign this `declaration`suspecting that it is back-door way of reopening the debate on the Constitution - you know, the one rejected in 2005.

There`s a lot of diplomatic activity in advance of tomorrow`s `ceremony` but it appears that Euro legal boffins are insisting that the declaration will be attached to the Treaty as part of EU procedure.

Gordon Brown apparently has a previous diary engagement which will prevent him attending tomorrow`s events - quite probably the only EU Prime Minister to miss out - so his place will be taken by Foreign Secretary David Miliband, who is now well into his gap year.

I hope he pays attention, as questions will be asked. Somehow I fear the worst.

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