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Friday, December 24, 2021



Well, just one more sleep and in keeping with all the other myths, legends and fairy tales surrounding the most wonderful time of the year I`m expecting a bearded gentleman on a sleigh pulled by assorted reindeer to land on my roof, climb down the chimney, scoff the mince pies and other goodies I`ll leave out for him and if I`ve been a good boy he might, just might, leave some presents for me to open in the morning.  Can he do better than last year`s pair of socks and a satsuma, I wonder?

Now I`ve been doing this blog for a number of years and from time to time I keep tabs on who my `audience` might be.  Happily, something called Google analytics - I won`t bore you with it -  surprisingly shows that my blog is actually seen in a number of countries across the world.  Today, for example, I see that in just the last couple of days I have been followed by people in Japan (I seem to be big in Japan as they top the viewing list,) the UK, South Korea,  Germany, France, Canada, Belarus, Portugal, Spain, Netherlands, Norway, Singapore, Indonesia, Romania and Sweden.  Quite frightening really - never knew there were so many sad people in the world but at least it`s a comfort to know it`s not just me.

So, wherever you may be across the globe, I wish each and every one of you a healthy, happy and peaceful  Christmas.  

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