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Friday, June 26, 2020

Guy wakes up in Derby in the English midlands.  Gets up, looks out of the window, sees it`s a lovely summer`s day with every prospect of it being the hottest day of the year so far.  Says to himself, "Think I`ll toddle on down to the beach - get some sea air, a laze in the sun, should be no problem."

So he jumps in his car and heads off.  He`s not quite sure where to, but he remembers seeing some inviting images of Bournemouth in the Derby Reporter. It`s only about 200 miles, he thinks, so he bombs down the motorways - M1, M25, M3 - all going well on the A31 across the New Forest until he reaches the outskirts of Bournemouth.  There`s a tailback of traffic, so he waits and waits and after an hour or two crawls into `central` Bournemouth.  

Can`t find a parking place - car parks full, vehicles parked along every road despite yellow lines and dire warnings.  Eventually parks where he shouldn`t but, hey, the lock down`s over so who cares?   Walks down to the beach along with literally hundreds of like minded chumps and finds the beach pretty much packed out.   Eventually finds a spot of sand, sits down amongst a countless throng, lays back and soaks up the sunshine.  

Bit later he `feels the need` so toddles down to the sea, does what he has to do (well, the public conveniences were closed) and shuffles back to grab a bite to eat and a drink.  Chucks the wrapping and the drinks bottle on the sand, has an hour or so more sunbathing and decides it might be time to make tracks for Derby and complete his 400-mile round trip.  (He gets interviewed by the local TV - admits he has come all the way from Derby and is a bit sorry about the rubbish. Really, I saw it on TV last night.)

Now along with thousands of others he has contributed to the 31 tons of rubbish left on the beach for the council to clear up;  he has used the pristine incoming tide as his convenience, he has probably picked up a parking fine which he probably won`t pay; he has been part of a horde of people (very few of whom actually came from Bournemouth) who seem totally ignorant of the fact that the corona virus is still alive and well and still threatening each and every one of us;  and has been part of a large crowd of people who don`t seem to care about the likelihood of contracting or passing the virus on to others.  Well, it`s their right to do what they want isn`t it?  

Three weeks later our friend from Derby wakes up in hospital and wonders what he`s doing there receiving all the care, commitment and expertise the NHS can find.  I hope he represents the minority who seem to have lost whatever bit of sense they had, whilst the more silent majority of us continue to follow the advice, do the social distancing and hope that the antics of that mindless minority do not mean that many more have to suffer an uncertain future.

There may be trouble ahead, I fear.

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