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Tuesday, July 02, 2019

As you see, I am indeed proceeding with caution as I might be about to step into dangerous territory.   OK, I`m old school, old fashioned, out of time and being an elderly pensioner struggling to survive on a fixed income in harsh economic times,  I admit to being a bit lost, bewildered even, in what seems to be an increasingly Orwellian world.

And the latest reason for my bewilderment stems from a couple of reports in the last day or so concerning the teaching of `equality` in primary school classrooms -  there has been a lot of fuss about it in Birmingham - but today`s example comes from a primary school here in Kent.  Now a few posts back, I had a go at the teaching of health and safety issues and `relationships` to very young primary school children and compared their education with my own 70 years or so ago.   I ended up with the plea that children should just be allowed to be children, like me and my school chums were all those years ago.

Now we learn that today`s youngsters are having lessons about gay, lesbian, transgender and bisexuality and that it is perfectly normal for some children to have two `Dads` or two `Mums` and that however people may be as individuals they should all be respected and treated equally.

I don`t have a problem with that, however much I may be saddened by the loss of childhood innocence, but if that is the way children as young as seven are being taught then surely their tuition might also include the fact that straightness still exists as does the notion of having a Mum and a Dad?  If you take today`s school experience to its logical exclusion then I can see the day when everything else will be `the norm` except heterosexuality and that those who practice it will be having their own pride marches. 

I hope it`s not too late to redress the balance, to let precious childhood be just that, or for me to take a precautionary step backwards before the Thought Police come knocking on my door.

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