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Tuesday, October 09, 2007


What a miserable day! Dull, cloudy, dark and teeming with rain. And with it brings this equally miserable feeling that my Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) may be making an early entrance into what looks like being a long winter.

At this time of the year - and especially on days like this - I get filled with the gloomy prospect that there is yet another winter to endure. I love the summers and even if this last summer was disappointing, at least there was daylight well into the evenings. We put the clocks back in a week or two, which means it will be dark by late afternoon - a gloomy prospect indeed.

Maybe I should see someone about it, but I`ve checked SAD out and it seems the only reliable help is to purchase one of those light box things which throw out 10,000 lux and you sit with it on for an hour a day. Hmmm....that could just be more sad than having SAD.

Two things might help me; one is that I`m in good company, for I`ve discovered that Sir Winston Churchill, Abraham Lincoln, Gustav Mahler and Natalie Imbruglia (to name but a few) all suffered from SAD too.

The other is the nagging thought in the back of my mind that, rather than actually having SAD, I might - just might - simply be a miserable old sod after all, which in turn could explain my penchant for indulging in volatile rants on these pages. Well, they make me feel better. So there.

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