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Friday, April 09, 2021



We all get them, of course.  I guess I`m just having one.   Didn`t start off too well;  turned on BBC Breakfast and was confronted by Naga Munchetty giving some poor Government Minister a grumpy bit of stick.  Then there was an item from BBC Chief Environment Correspondent in which he interviewed Greta Thunberg - a pretty deadly duo for that time in the morning.  It transpired that Greta has decided not to attend the Glasgow Environment Conference thingy later in the year - a merciful relief I imagine - preferring instead to insist that everybody in the world gets vaccinated beforehand.   For once she may have a point but it doesn`t really take the massed resources of the BBC for her to make it. Still, better than Greta being interviewed by Naga I suppose.

Like everyone else, I guess, I was sorry to hear of the passing of Prince Philip, a sad occurrence and one around which I will tread lightly and carefully.  All I will say is that my genuine sorrow at his passing (like every other death that happens every day) is touched by the thought that the whole media in the UK is in overdrive and I do wonder whether it is too much too soon.  After all those years of `service to the nation` Prince Philip deserves the respect and admiration he is receiving.  But it does go on a bit.

And then I spend too much time on the phone trying to get some sense out of a couple of organisations, for whom they claim that my call is really important to them, so much so that they play me music that is quite unrecognisable and tell me that all their operators are very busy at the moment so could you either go online or call back later.  I am disinclined to do either so I`ll try again another day.

You will have gathered that my ramblings so far probably indicate that a mild form of writer`s block has descended upon me - hence the Snoopy cartoon above. It happens sometimes and when it does it always reminds me of Gilbert O` Sullivan, for whom also all those years ago nothing rhymed.....

They just don`t write songs like that any more

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