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Sunday, April 12, 2020


In these extraordinary times I`m finding it difficult to know what, if anything, to write about.   There is just so much sad news around, some of it a little too close for comfort, and the prospects for the immediate future don`t look too encouraging (I have just seen the UK death figure rising above 10,000 and it`s frightening.)

So, as it would be `insensitive` to comment further about the corona virus pandemic that is confronting us;  as there is no sport to bother me; and as most of the things I might have a rant about have become pretty much irrelevant, rather than close the blog down completely I thought I would indulge myself by posting photos I have taken of places I have been and wish I was there again.

Here`s the first one - it shows, on a perfect Summer`s day, the walk up to the car park from the south west coast path above the village of Portscatho on Cornwall`s Roseland Peninsula.   As I look out of my window now, it`s a glorious Spring day and I can just imagine on a day like this how uplifting and inspiring it would be to be on the Roseland right now.

Keep safe, be well.

Please click on photo for better image

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