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Friday, September 18, 2020


They say you`re never too old to learn and just recently I have had a few new `experiences` that confirm that old saying.  My new(ish) car is fine - I`ve had it for six months now but because of the corona virus restrictions, it`s only done about 1200 miles.  One thing that puzzled me a bit was the sat nav, so I asked one of my granddaughters to clue me up about that, which she kindly did.  There are loads of bells and whistles on the car which I`ve yet to explore,,,,and find out if I really need them.  All I really want to do is drive it.

But there is techy progress on other fronts - after some external advice, I`ve managed to get the `smart ` bit working on the new television so I can now get Google and YouTube - which seem more interesting than the programmes.

The major triumph of the week has been online banking, to the extent that, having only signed up for it a few weeks ago - again thanks to the corona virus making it impossible to get any service from a nearby branch - I have managed my first ever online banking transfer!  (I`m pretty sure it went to the right recipient, but you never really know.)

And my final leap into the unknown has been coming to terms with the new Blogger layout.  For as many years as I`ve been blogging, the layout, bits and bobs have remained unchanged but recently they introduced a new one and yesterday withdrew the old version, to which I have been reverting just to be difficult.   So this post is thanks to the new version which I will take some time to get used to, although I suspect it may be easier to post comments than in the previous version.   So I may need to take a short break for `routine maintenance` while I get my head together and have a few practice runs before feeling confident enough to post again.

Bear with me.

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