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Sunday, October 29, 2017


Yesterday was Barney`s birthday.  He was nine years old, which if one dog year equals seven human ones, then Barney is now in his 60s.   He`s wearing well, enjoys all the things dogs are supposed to enjoy - eating, sleeping, sniffing and walkies.  So, yesterday I took him up to nearby Platt Woods, which both he and I have enjoyed for many years and it was good to see him scampering around through the carpet of Autumnal leaves.

As it was his birthday, he sat on this bench and asked me to take this photo of him, beaming happily at the camera.  So, happy birthday Barney and thanks again for all the good times, the friendship, companionship and loyalty.  I just hope the next few weeks aren`t too stressful for him as he hates fireworks and Halloween, Bonfire Night, Christmas and New Year all go with a bang around here.

For more about the Chronicles of Barney, there are 38 more posts here -  - just realised it`s one of those links where you have to highlight it, then right click and there`s an option to go to the page,

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