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Monday, April 01, 2013


Recent pronouncements have created at least the illusion that various pillars of our society are confused about their respective roles in the well being of our alleged society.

First, according to former Archbishop of Canterbury Lord Carey, David Cameron `has told religious leaders that they should stand up and oppose aggressive secularisation when it appears that Cameron`s Government is aiding and abetting the aggression every step of the way.`   Now it may or may not be true but there seems little doubt that the penchant for politicians to curry popularity over such issues as gay marriage and religious freedom does little to deny the notion that they stray too often into matters best left to church leaders.

And in what appears to be a tit-for-tat rejoinder, the new Archbishop of Canterbury is going on about Cyprus, the euro and how awful it is that the Government is introducing welfare and benefit reforms,  which does little to deny the notion that church leaders are straying into matters best left to politicians.

I hope these and other examples of attention seeking don`t lead to an all out popularity contest.   If so, I think I know who will come out worse off....and it won`t be either of them, but the rest of us.   At least we know our place.   Don`t we?

1 comment:

Snopper said...

Me too, Ray!!