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Wednesday, October 27, 2010


Each November, the report of the Court of Auditors on the accounts of the European Union are presented to the EU Parliament and this year their report promises to be little different to those of the previous 15 years.

Except for one thing.   For we learn that the EU are seeking to approve an increase in their budget of 6.9% for the coming year.  Just at the same time as we in the UK are facing £81billion of budget cuts, countless job losses and huge changes to the benefit system.   Now, for the past 15 years, the EU auditors have been unable to `sign off` the EU accounts and it seems reasonable to assume that the same failings will show themselves again this time round.  Weak accountancy, weak internal controls both at the Commission and in the member states were given as the main reason why no less than 80% of the EU budget failed the audit last year.

"Reasons for the errors in the underlying transactions include neglect, poor knowledge of the often complex rules and presumed attempts to defraud the EU budget," Court of Auditors President Hubert Weber said. "I believe that the EU's citizens are entitled to expect EU funds to be properly managed and controlled across the Union", he added.

Quite right, so rather than just impose another 6.9% budget increase on us all, why don`t the EU just take his advice?   It`s high time David Cameron just said `Non` to the imposition of yet more taxes by this largely unelected and unaccountable EU fairyland who, in their disregard for any form of reasonable budgetary control, in their relaxed attitude towards squandering other people`s money and in their determination to assume they know what`s good for us, remind me more and more of the basket case that is Portsmouth Football Club.   

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