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Monday, December 02, 2013


Whilst scouring the social columns of the Sunday newspapers yesterday, I came across an intriguing item. It seems that `celebrities` and especially those who move in royal circles have a particularly advantageous arrangement with a leading motor manufacturer.   Apparently, the quasi-regal Middletons have a deal with Range Rover by which they pay just a small proportion of the normal leasing costs for their £140,000 top-of-the-range vehicles. 

A spokesman explained, "The Middletons` Range Rovers have been leased to them as part of The VIP Scheme, the idea being that you pay a small percentage of the usual fee in return for certain services - which can be as little as being seen driving around in the vehicle.  It does wonders for the brand."

Now, I`m thinking of getting in touch with Nissan up in Sunderland.   As I drive one of their cars and quite apart from all the local driving I do, I also clock up the miles on frequent trips to Cornwall, Devon and Southampton and back. (I`m off to the New Forest again on Wednesday.)  Moreover, it strikes me as odd that the vehicles driven by the Middletons of this world probably have blacked out windows which might negate the point, as people won`t be able to see them driving around.  With me, on the other hand, anyone can see me driving my Nissan so I`ll probably be more visible up and down the A303, the A30, the M3 and the other highways of my life and so be much better for `the brand` anyway.

So I`ll see what Nissan have to say about a similar deal for me.  Worth a try, although I suspect it will be an offer they`ll probably refuse and that I`ll have to go on paying the full going rate.  C`est la vie, n`est pas?

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