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Saturday, January 02, 2021


Got to say I was so grateful to receive the call to have my corona virus vaccination.  A good start to the New Year, for me at least.  I went along to the local surgery yesterday, waited patiently for my turn and had the Pfizer Biontech jab with no problems.   I was impressed by the organisation and the professionalism of all those involved, especially so the volunteers acting as `marshals` to ensure that the frail, elderly, vulnerable and bewildered of the parish did not get lost or too confused in the process.  (Maybe the `worst` part of it was having to sit for 15 minutes or so after the jab in a marquee specially erected for the occasion - only problem was the marquee was outside and it was bitterly cold.)

But I`m grateful for having the first jab although controversy rages about the second one. I just hope that whatever the outcome of the arguments - about having the second jab after three weeks or twelve - is the right one.  Don`t know who to believe really - might just be a case of que sera, sera  but if my second appointment for three weeks` time isn`t cancelled I`ll happily go along for the second jab and try not to feel guilty about it.

None of us knows what the future may hold, especially in the current circumstances, so I`ll just carry on taking each day as it comes and be grateful for it.

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