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Sunday, June 07, 2020


Like almost everyone else I was horrified by the manner in which George Floyd met his untimely death.  And like almost everyone else I understand and agree with the feelings behind the protests and demonstrations that have emerged in the days since that tragic event occurred.   It is entirely understandable that those demonstrations should be happening not only in Minneapolis but also across America.  And I hope they can have the effect of bringing some change in the way things are - and have been for too long - the other side of the pond.

Yesterday - and probably today also -  there were protests and demonstrations across the UK as well;  in London, Cardiff, Sheffield, Manchester and many more towns and cities a mere 4,000 miles or so from Minneapolis.  And I understand the feelings that lay behind those demonstrations too.  But what was noticeable was the fact that, yet again, so called `celebrities` took the opportunity to associate themselves with the causes behind these events and whilst no doubt some of them might well have been genuine in their support, there were others who took part just to be seen to be taking part.   They cannot be named for legal reasons but they know a bandwagon when they see one, they cannot help themselves but to jump aboard and we all know who they are.

Seems such a shame that the lovies of this world grasp any opportunity going for a bit of free publicity in the misguided belief that the world in general will look upon them with admiring, if not adoring eyes.  All they, along with the mindless minority who seem determined to cause mayhem,  succeed in doing is to diminish the value of the genuinely held beliefs of the majority and bring the game of peaceful  protest into  disrepute.

I`m thinking of encouraging a demonstration against holding demonstrations. I`ll hold up a placard saying "NO DEMONSTRATIONS.` I wonder if Madonna, Meghan and Co. will approve?  And I wonder why we haven`t heard a peep out of Greta........

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