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Friday, May 22, 2020


It has been quite revealing to see just how many people have been piling in to their cars and heading for the beach now that there has been a partial lifting of the corona virus lockdown.   In recent days there have been traffic jams clogging up the roads to places such as Saunton Sands in Devon and Gwithian in Cornwall and the beaches at places like Southend and Brighton have been invaded by chumps who think it`s OK to do what they want rather than do the sensible thing and be....sensible.   Maybe they think it`s all over.  Well, it isn`t.

So I`ve reflected back on visits to beaches we`ve made over the years, quite often at the peak holiday time and we have always managed to find places that are away from it all and pretty much deserted.   One of them is Porth Joke on the north Cornwall coast close to Crantock.  There`s nothing there - no `facilities,` no `conveniences,` no `development.`   Just the beach, the sea, the sky and the walk along the coast path.  No issues with social distancing here.

Here`s one I took of Porth Joke a couple of years ago.  That will do me nicely.......

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