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Tuesday, June 25, 2019


There`s been a lot of fuss recently about the proposed withdrawal of free TV licences for the over-75s.   This `concession` was introduced by, of all people, former Prime Minister Gordon Brown and was much appreciated by the country`s senior citizens but the last settlement for renewing the BBC charter and HM Gov. saw the `cost` of this transferred from the Treasury to the BBC who say they can`t afford the £750 million it will take to maintain the concession without drastically cutting the level and quality of programming - and we can`t possibly have that, can we?

So, a simple solution is required and there is indeed a simple one.  Next month I will be joining the ranks of the octogenarians so I suggest that the BBC maintains the free licence to those over 80.  Simples.

But then, as HL Menken once said, "There is a simple solution to every complex problem that doesn`t work."  In which case, if I still have to pay up, at least I will feel justified in my unending criticism of the BBC.  Watch this space.

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