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Tuesday, February 12, 2019


It must have been all of fifteen years ago, maybe more, that I shivered my way through a game at St. Mary`s in the dead of winter.  After the game I ventured in to the club shop and being something of a fashion icon I treated myself to a nice warm Saints fleece.  It has served me very well - a good return on the investment - and it has seen me through the rigours, the triumphs and disasters and the ups and downs of being a Saints fan. 

Together we have been through a lot - to the bottom of League One, the eventual promotion to the Championship, promotion again to the promised land of the Premier League and, along the way, memorable visits to Wembley. So it has been an interesting journey we have made together.   Sadly, in recent times my faithful companion has begun to show his age.  Like me, the odd bit has become frayed around the edges and the wear and tear of being my protective shield  has begun to show itself more and more.

Sadly, in the last couple of days, after a prolonged battle with ups and downs of its own, the zip has finally conked out and I have reluctantly come to the conclusion that its time has come to an end.   Despite the fact that the club badge is still gleaming it`s  a bit like Charlie Austin`s knees, it has been on its last legs for a while and reaching the end if its useful life.  So to save it from further unnecessary pain the kindest thing to do is to say `goodbye.` 

I`m reluctant to chuck it in the bin and it wouldn`t be much good to anyone rummaging through a charity bag or a jumble sale so I may just keep it in the shed, where I can kiss the badge occasionally and look back on all those years of bewilderment and uncertainty that just comes with supporting Southampton FC.  But thank you for the ride - it`s been great. 

Well, some of it.

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